Getting the home ready to sell

How to get your listing ready for photos


Address those repairs.

We all want to have the home ready as quickly as possible. That may be a problem if there have been a few repairs put off. Have those finished before the photos so you can get the home listed and sold as quick as possible.


Personal items.

Removing personal hygiene items from the bathroom such as toothbrushes, razors, soaps and hairdryers will go far regarding photos. It might also be a good idea to remove portraits of the family. It will be easier for another family to see themselves growing roots in the home.

Clean Clean Clean!

Clean inside AND out! You may not realize it but potential buyers do. Be sure to clean windows, fans, bathrooms, floors, kitchen and even closets. Hiring a professional cleaner can save you time.
Don’t forget about that exterior! Removing mold from the roof, siding and gutters makes a big difference in the photos.


Curb Appeal!

This is one of the most important aspects for selling your home. When buyers are looking at that first photo, be sure they are seeing your home at it’s best! Here’s another great link to help you with getting your home ready.


This is a big one. A few things to look for are…
kid’s toys, papers, remove items from exterior of refrigerator, declutter garage, kitchen counter, hallway, living areas and much more. Prep My Home For Sale has many ideas for getting your home ready!



Lighting is key when creating great photos and video. Be sure all light fixtures and bulbs are ready to go. It also helps to have bulbs the same color such as having them all daylight bulbs.